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  • 汪清一实验
  • 2022-11-07 09:20
  • 阅读 242


Unit4 My home Part A   Let’s learn Let’s talk

10 26






1. 能够能够听、说、认读单词或短语“bedroom,   living room, study, kitchen, bathroom”,并在语境中正确使用。

2. 能够在情景中运用句型“—Is she in   the?Yes, she is./No, she isn’t.”询问物品或人物的位置,同时作出判断。

3. 能够通过观察、谈论Let’s talk板块的图片,在图片、PPT和老师的帮助下理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。

4. 培养学生热爱家以及家人,并且要养成保持家庭卫生的良好习惯。


1. 完成Task 2。(检测目标1,2,3,4

2. 完成Task 3。(检测目标2,4





Step 1: Warm-up & & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Enjoy a song—Where are you?.

3. ProverbEast or west, home is best.What’s the meaning of the sentence.




Step 2: Presentation

1. Learn the   new vocabulary.

Bedroom: TWhat can you see in the room?  Ss:A bed. T: We call it bedroom. Listen   and follow. Let the students try to make sentences. Then stick the word on   the Bb.

Study: Look and answer. T: Is   this a bedroom? Ss: No, it isn’t. T: It’s a study.  T: We can see a computer on the desk. We   can see many books on the shelf. We study hard in the study.Listen and   follow. Let the students try to make sentences.T: Do you have a study? S1:   Yes, I do. S2: No, I don’t.Then stick the word on the Bb.

Living room: Look and answer.   T: Is this a study? Ss: No, it isn’t. T: It’s a living room. T: What can you   do in the living room? We can watch TV in the living room. Listen and follow.   Let the students try to make sentences. S1: Let me clean the living room.Then   stick the word on the Bb.

Bathroom: Look and answer. T:   Is this a living room ? Ss: No, it isn’t. T: It’s a bathroom. Listen and   follow. Let the students try to make sentences. S1: I can wash my face in the   bathroom. S2:I can wash my hair in the bathroom.Then stick the word on the   Bb.

Kitchen: Look and answer. T:   Is this a bathroom ? Ss: No, it isn’t. T: It’s a kitchen. Listen and follow.   Let the students try to make sentences. T: Can you cook in the kitchen? Yes./   No.Then stick the word on the Bb.

(通过图片教学新单词,帮助学生更好地理解并记忆,通过老师用英文进一步诠释单词, 激发学生的学习兴趣。造句活动让学生运用已有的语言积累和生活经验完成,帮助学生更好的树立学习英语的信心。同时培养学生利用情境线索进行推断预测的能力。)

If I read it loudly, you read   it in a low voice.If I read it in a low voice, you read it loudly.



2. Learn the   new sentences.

Present the pictures of Amy’s home. T: Look, this is Amy’s home. What   rooms can you see in the pictures? Ss:   I can see a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom, a study and a kitchen. Amys home is very nice. Where is   Amy? Call one student help me, hide Amy, the students asks: Where is Amy? T:   Is she in the living room?  Ss: Yes,   she is. /No, she isn’t. Then the teacher hide Amy, asks:Where is Amy? S1: Is   she in the ...? S2: Is she in the ...? T: Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.

Practice in pairs. Open the   envelope.(the words:living room, study, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and Amy)   A: Where is Amy? (hide Amy) B: Is she is the...? A: No, she isn’t. B: Is she   in the ...? A: Yes, she is.

(创设真实的情境,帮助学生理解句型Is she in the ...? 用来询问某人、某物在某处。 培养学生有与同伴合作学习的愿望,乐于与他人共同完成学习任务。)


3. Let’s talk.

1Present the pictures of   “Let’s talk” and lead students to predict the main idea of the dialogue.   Explain she. They take cat as family.

(2) Present the questions about “Let’s   talk” on the PPT. Where is the cat?

(3) Read after the recording.

T: Boys and girls, let’s read   the dialogue after the recording. Please listen and read carefully.

(4) Read the dialogue in different   roles.

(5) Act it out.

T: Now we’ll find the best   actor or actress. Please come to the front and show the dialogue.



Step 3: Practice

1. Peppa pig

Present the books. Let the students look   and say.

11I’m   Peppa.This is my little brother, George.We’re at home.

ksdI watch TV in the living room.Where   is George?

Is he in the ____? Yes, he is.

kI read books in the ____.Where is   George?

Is he in the ____? Yes, he is in the _____, too.

4I take a bath in the bathroom.Where   is George?

Is he in the _____?Yes, he is in the _____, too.

5I sleep in the _______.Where is   George?

Is __________?Yes, he is in the _____, too.



2. Read and   choose.

Where Is My Shoe?   

Boy:     Only one shoe (鞋子).   Where is the other (另一个)one,   mom?

Mom:    Is it in the bathroom?

Boy:     No, it isnt.

Mom:    Is it under the sofa?

Boy:     No, it isnt.   Its not in my schoolbag. Its not near the door. Its not under my bed. Its nowhere (哪里也没有).

Mom: Hey, Bingo.(小狗) Whats in your mouth?

Boy:    Thats my shoe. You are a bad(坏的) boy.  Give me my shoe.

1.The   boy is looking for his _________ .A. shoe     B. schoolbag  C. sock

2.Is   the shoe in the bathroom?     A.   Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.   C.You are right.

3.Is   the shoe under the sofa?      A.   No, it isnt.   B.Sure.    C. Yes, it is.

4.Bingo   is a __________ .A. sock       B.   boy       C. dog

5.The   shoe is _______ .A.in the study  B.in   the boys bag C.in the dogs mouth

1.A    2.B  3.A  4.C     5.C



Summarize   : We should keep our home clean!





1. Do housework   everyday at home.

2. Copy the   five words and choose two make sentences.

3. Read Let’s talk, try to   make a new one if you can.

上一篇:汪清一实验:语文二年级上册一单元课时学力 下一篇: 汪清三中:Unit 4 I used to be afraid of


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